Students get to write essays all the time and it can often turn into a struggle if you don't know how to write it and what to include. Every professor is different and they can also expect different things, but you can always use some basic tips which can help you to compose the paper the right way. We know that it can take a lot time and effort to write it, but we also have useful hints that really work when it comes to the writing part.
Main thesis
This is the part where you have to build the main idea or thesis. It should express the response to the essay question and you should be able to discuss it.
Make an outline
You should always make an outline where you will put down the main parts of your paper. You can decide how many paragraphs you will have and what you will include there.
In order to answer the essay question properly, you should understand it and analyze. You can check the meaning of an unfamiliar word and you should pay attention to the words „discuss“ or „explain“, or any other word that tells you what you have to do and how you should approach the topic.You should know what you have to write about and what the goal of the paper should be.
The introduction
Make sure that the introduction is catchy and that you write about the problem or question and how you are going to approach it. You should give some background on the topic, so that the reader understands it before moving to the main part and discussion.